Arctic Update March 24, 2017

Broadband: Deploying America’s 21st Century Infrastructure – Subcommittee on Communications and Technology
Report: Arctic Imperative, Reinforcing U.S Strategy on America’s Fourth Coast – Council on Foreign Relations
State of the Coast Guard: Ensuring Military, National Security, and Enforcement Capability and Readiness – Senate Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and Coast Guard

Arctic Report January 25, 2017

U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) spoke about the new Defense Department Arctic Strategy at CSIS on Jan. 24. The unclassified version has yet to be released, but the Senator talked the audience through much of its content.
The FY16 National Defense Authorization Act required the Department of Defense to write a new Arctic military defense plan in part to respond to recent Russian activity in the region.

Arctic Report January 17, 2017

Dr. Amy Merten, Chair of the Arctic Council’s Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response (EPPR) Working Group and Chief of the Spatial Data Branch in NOAA’s Office of Response & Restoration, spoke about the working group’s accomplishments during an online seminar.
One of six Arctic Council working groups, EPPR addresses prevention, preparedness, response, and search and rescue (SAR) efforts for Arctic environmental emergencies, all with the goal of protecting the Arctic environment from pollution.

Arctic Report November 30, 2016

Speaking at ARCUS in Washington, D.C. about rapid sea-ice changes in the Arctic, Dr. Hajo Eicken said the region is now the scene of increased uncertainty, poses higher risks for users, and will see greater impacts on its local communities, especially from increased maritime activity.
He stressed the importance of prediction networks, which can work from a variety of time scales ranging from a week or less to several months.

Arctic Report September 27, 2016

The Arctic Research Consortium of the United States hosted a panel discussion open to the public in conjunction with the Arctic Science Ministerial. The panel focused on citizen engagement and education about Arctic research and research improvements.

Arctic Report September 13, 2016

CSIS brought together several panels consisting of experts from the scientific, military, and international relations fields discuss the future of the Arctic as it becomes more

Arctic Report July 13, 2016

Policy leaders, tech industry experts and other executives met to discuss the critical need for high-speed broadband across the circumpolar Arctic at the Top of the World Arctic Broadband Summit in Barrow, Alaska in July.
The summit included presentations ranging from the government’s role in broadband development and expansion to the latest news about the Quintillion Subsea Cable Project, in which the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC) is a minority partner.