Welcome to the NSG Events Calendar! This curated calendar is updated weekly, bringing you virtual and in-person Arctic-focused events from around the world. Hosting an event and want it listed? Let us know and we'll be happy to add it!
The Alaska Municipal League (AML) is a voluntary, nonprofit, nonpartisan, statewide organization of 165 cities, boroughs, and unified municipalities, representing over 97 percent of Alaska’s residents. Originally organized in 1950, the League of Alaska Cities became the Alaska Municipal League in 1962 when boroughs joined the League. Throughout the year AML provides several conference opportunities. The Annual Local Government Conference is held each November in Anchorage, Alaska. AML arranges for a Winter Legislative Meeting during the legislative session. This meeting includes the opportunity to speak with key legislators and state officials about municipal issues. The AML Board of Directors, Alaska Conference of Mayors, Alaska Municipal Management Association and Legislative Committee work together to schedule their Combined Summer Meeting. All three groups usually meet in August of each year to work on AML policies and platform and to conduct business for each group.