Arctic Report September 13, 2016

CSIS brought together several panels consisting of experts from the scientific, military, and international relations fields discuss the future of the Arctic as it becomes more

Arctic Report July 20, 2016

The North Slope Borough Oil & Gas Forum provided the borough, the oil industry, and government regulators with an opportunity to have informed and facilitated conversations about how to achieve mutual priorities while far north petroleum projects are developed. 
The borough hosted the forum in Anchorage on July 20-22 and invited a wide range of individuals to both speak at the event and participate in the breakout sessions.  The format was for the speakers to present information about forum topics and then have breakout sessions to explore them in more detail. 

Senate Energy & Natural Resources hearing to Examine the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s 2017-2022 OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program

May 19, 2016 – Senate Dirksen Building, Washington, D.C. In her opening statement, Sen. Murkowski (R-AK) said that over the past seven years, the Department has slowly but steadily abrogated […]

How Oil and Gas Development Impacts Local Governments and Communities

May 18, 2016 – Resources for the Future, Washington, DC Experts at this seminar explored key issues facing local governments given oil and gas development has increased substantially in the […]

A Conversation with Arctic Youth Ambassador Esau Sinnok

May 16, 2016 – U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C. The Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental & Scientific Affairs’ (OES) Office of Oceans & Polar Affairs hosted a conversation […]

Senate Energy & Natural Resources Hearing to Examine the Opportunities and Challenges of Oil and Gas Development in Different Price Environments

April 26, 2016 – Senate Dirksen Office Building, Washington, D.C. In her opening statement, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) said that oil and gas production is capital intensive with a long […]

Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Fisheries, Water, and Wildlife Oversight Hearing "Federal Interactions with State Management of Fish and Wildlife"

February 9, 2016 – 406 Dirksen, Washington, DC In his opening statement, Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) said the purpose of the hearing is to examine the interactions of  the state […]